Sunday, March 20, 2011

"D" is for Daylight!

   We are not hooked into the matrix.  We are living breathing individuals with very simple yet complex needs.  Food, shelter, water and air are the simple needs, but are comprised of very complex ingredients.  Food provides fuel, but also provides vitamins. 

   Vitamin D makes your bones strong and gives you a resilience that helps you persevere through physically demanding situations.  Calcium is best absorbed into the body when Vitamin D is abundant in the system.  Your muscles can grow stronger when your bones are solid.  You will be sturdy and tough because your insulin will be modulated better when you have Vitamin D working for you.  Arthritis and Osteoperosis will be less likely to get the best of you.  Your smile will be richer and more genuine. 

   Foods like Milk, Eggs and Fish can provide you with Vitamin D, but the best way to obtain it is to get a good healthy dose of Daylight!  So, get off the couch, and go get some Vitamin D.  It's free! 

   Also, check out these books for your Kindle.  The Vitamin D Solution tells you in detail the benefits.  Chasing Daylight may inspire you to live your life more adventureously. 

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